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Dreams Stones and Healing During Leo/Aquarius Eclipses


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Dreams Stones and Healing During Leo/Aquarius Eclipses

Kristy Henry


When we ponder the age of humanity as to the age of plants, and to the age of stones, gems, and minerals, we are but a blink of an eye. Sergio Magana gave me the most eloquent suggestion on how to perceive the mineral world from his book about the Toltec dreaming technics, to master your dreams there are nine levels and the sixth pertains to the Tecpatl, also a female entity, or flint, which is the representation of  stones.


…On this level the dream of the rocks is in control. This place is nourished by the energy of all lower levels and therefore it is said that we were created from clay and were the dream of the mineral realm-an older and deeper consciousness than ours. It is also said that we were the Earth’s dream, and after dreaming us, she created us.


Many people believe that the minerals and the Earth belong to us, and they do whatever they want with them. But this is just an illusion…


-Sergio Magana, The Toltec Secret


My personal journey has had this theme as of late, the dreaming, and healing of my child within with the assistance of the Earth, and her children the stones. This journey began, and is obvious to me with the beginning of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of Leo/Aquarius.  I also believe this archetypal healing, using the Earth and her stones, will continue as Uranus moves into Taurus and will gain greater understanding over the next several years. 


As the Leo/Aquarius nodal access has been in transit since May of 2017 we have seen and felt many waves of personal and social shake ups, these shake ups, are to bring the dirt at the bottom of the pond up to the surface of the clear waters to be dealt with and healed. Archetypally speaking, we are feeling the small child within and how that has manifested in this life and others.  For me personally, I chose to face my deep seated fears around my intuitive and healing gifts, and how I am to harness them and share them with others. How does this fit into my life and society, and how can I better support others in this great time of awakening their gifts as well? All, so very Leonian and Aquarian ideas. 


As a private person who is trying to find trust in others, and open my heart, (Leo/Aquarius archetypes) I have found this process very draining on my body and have had emotional pain manifesting in my shoulder to the point of not sleeping. As an avid advocate in walking my talk and making products to support our Circadian Rhythm, I have found myself like so many others in this over-stimulated and stressed out world not sleeping. My own health and self-care habits have just not been enough and I have had to call in greater assistance from plant allies, stones, gems, and my journeying. My dreams have been escaping me and I feel a great sense of loss at not experiencing such deep healing in my dream states as I usually experience due to this uprooted emotional pain. 


I have realized that physical pain is probably one of the largest distractions from spirit if experienced for an extended period of time, and can close the body off to the intuitive messages that the spirit realm is trying to give us. Healing our body on the material realm has always been a major focus of mine but as I get older I can’t deny that this has taken over our society as much as consumerism on distracting us from our ancestral roots, our relationship with plants, and the Earth. 


How can I love the child within during these Leo/Aquarius eclipses? This has asked me to find new ways of healing using the Earth on deeper levels, and this has got me outside in the desert terrain more than ever. Since I asked for more assistance in my dreams, I have been finding great pleasure and relief in my desert landscape and  my wounds of the heart are slowly healing. I was answered with a call from the trees, and cactus, that had fallen and have slowly been weathered by the Sun, water, and dirt. Decaying, but knowing that even in this phase of death they can offer themselves as a healing aid to myself and to others. 


Their gentle gift of acceptance and change, offering themselves to me, I have collected them from the mountains, cleansed them with gratitude and now have asked the stones to unite in their bodies as a healing talisman for those who are asking for their healing gift. 


These gracious beings will be offered soon on as pieces of art for healing through Animist/Ancestor traditions to sit in your home, on your mantle, with your plants, in the corners of rooms, to send out their love to you and your loved ones. Their gifts are of a subtle opening, and an acceptance of one’s true self, to allow the pleasures and security that the Earth offers us to be utilized in the body for letting go of trauma buried in our tissues.


As I slowly harvest and create, I feel my dreams returning, my heart opening, and my trust growing, because I know that all beings on this Earth are supporting me, and you, on this great journey of remembering, and metamorphosis. 


As I align myself with nature, I align my soul’s desires with the cosmos…