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Healing Our Sensual Relationship With The Earth Part One, Or Uranus Transit Through Taurus

Kristy Henry


Uranus has been transiting the zodiac sign of Aries for the last 8 years and with the passage of time we have seen an intense combination of those two archetypes take hold of the collective conscious. One of the most prominent expressions of Uranus in Aries was the new found expression of the self, and it’s will to manifest it through actions. If this will was suppressed than trauma was experienced and this mental trauma could have taken root in the physical body, emotional body, and the spirit body. For many they faced the past traumas of expressing their will, and this pattern was hopefully met with objectivity and seeing the larger picture, finding a new strategy for acting on the desire’s of the will. We have seen the motivation to individuate while still being accepted, to go through our personal initiations as a woman, a transgender, a person of ethnicity, etc.  Equality is the balance to Aries and the energetic flow between the zodiac would point to Libra. Taking in consideration the other’s will and desires can strengthen our own progression if we make an alliance to those with the same values, needs, and goals. 


On May 15th of 2018 Uranus will move from Aries into Taurus. I personally feel and can see the collective shifting from the Yang energy of Aries into the Yin energy of Taurus. This is meant to be a dramatic shift after all the turmoil of the Uranus - Pluto squares that took place from 2010-2017. Depending on your personal perception of orbs in astrology we could find fault in these numbers but once a transit manifests its a trigger and the domino affect has begun at least in my observation and correlation of the human relations to the cosmos. 


Uranus’s Transit Through Taurus


Taurus in Uranus has been talked about amongst astrologers and that focus has been predominantly financial talk. I agree with this interpretation of the archetype as one of Taurus’s facets, but I would like to give another perspective to this archetype. I want to discuss personal values, pleasure, sensuality, healing the body, and partnering with the Earth, because Taurus is the first Earth modality of the zodiac, its a feminine sign and is ruled by Venus, and this is a rich and lush expression of the sprouting seed that will help to promote healing of this unique fertile planet we call home. 




As Taurus will be transiting  the inner side of Venus, in the school of Evolutionary astrology interpretation, this means that Venus is seeking to know herself, internally. To have a self driven relationship, where as Venus in Libra, the other home of Venus, is the external relationship that Venus has with her environment and with another person, or group of people. As time will drift on the currents of material reality we will see this expression of the Will ( Uranus’s Transit through Aries) turn into a desire to go with-in our self, in our bodies, and FEEL our experiences and desires. 


This Yin nature, the feminine roots of our wants and needs take to the Earth, which supplies us with her sustenance. Shelter, food, clothing are all supplied by the Earth, once we have secured our survival we seek pleasure, and Uranus in Taurus will call for sensing our desire to move past our immediate needs into the needs of future generations. The abundance that our mother Earth has offered us for so long is in question, now that we have taken with out reciprocation, respect, and gratitude. Will our future generations receive her abundance and grace or will we desecrate her further until their is nothing left of her green glory? 


This inner relationship to the senses (Taurus) that create this reality we all share is calling to us, for it is the starting point of real healing. The healing of our bodies and our relationship to the sensorial world. 


Our sensorial input is gathered through: Touch, Taste, Sight, Scent, and Sound. This leads to information gathered in the brain, which tells us how to react to the material world. All of our human senses result in one basic motivation which is SURVIVAL. This may seem primitive but our mammalian brain is still very much in charge of our neuro-chemical reactions to this incoming information and dominates our reality. Second, to survival is PROCREATION and our senses interrupt cues that  lead us to procreate with a partner who manifests this deep level of survival in our off spring. This is all under the Taurus archetype. 



The Earth supplies us with abundance and if this abundance is taken away from us this will trigger trauma. Uranus is the indicator of mental trauma in our natal chart by house and sign and the aspects its making to other planets, so any withdraw of our capacity to use our senses, and our separation to the Earth may manifest through this 7 year transit.  


Uranus, may need some further explanation into its role and negotiator of trauma. Jeffrey Wolf Green the channeler of the School of Evolutionary Astrology’s explanation of mental trauma  or the mental body is, “astrologically this will correlate with Uranus as the primary significator, and its lower octave Mercury as secondary significator. The types of trauma associated with the mental body are stroke, various type of psychological or psychiatric disorders, epilepsy, various diseases of the brain, sudden, unexpected changes that alter the psychological reality of the individual and the external structures of his or her reality that have defined their sense of identity up until the unexpected changes begin to occur.”


Dane Rudhyar and his vast explanation of Uranus explains another facet of the role of Uranus and this is Transformation. Uranus transforms, Neptune dissolves, and Pluto Regenerates. When we use the word Transformation we have to not accept this word to be accommodation or modification. Uranus demands truly a dramatic alteration. What was once something, must become completely different. I would use a butterfly as the analogy for Uranus. Butterflies were once a caterpillar and molecularly they have evolved from one state to another unrecognizable state. Uranian transits are electric, stimulating, active. In my personal experience mind altering. Physically and mentally demanding, because you are molecularly changing. Your brain could experience almost a constant dendrite growth. Connections are building like an electrical storm.  


Uranian Transits are altering our predisposed beliefs and putting sudden and immediate strains as a catalyst for change in our psyche, but with the influence of the Taurian archetype we are experiencing a deep re-evaluation of our values through Uranus’s electrical pulses. 


Now that we have put a little ground work down for the archetypal representation of Uranus and a little of Taurus/Venus lets put those two archetypes together to create a more rich and detailed picture of possible ways these two might manifest. Since story and myth hold such profound capacity for absorption of ideas and concepts. I would like to use the Mayan Goddess TLAZOLTEOTL  as one facet to the archetypal cohesion of Uranus in Taurus. 


Tlazolteotl, which translated from Nahuatl, means garbage, or I would like to describe her as recycled. Old, dirty, deteriorated, worn out thing. To the Mayans, tlazolli, means filth and refuse, while teoltl, means deity.








Tlazolteoltl was called the “Filth Eater” and by no means was this a degrading term for the revered goddess. In our modern times and in our culture excrement is seen as an excepted part of the human experience, its made fun of by small children, but its mostly kept taboo unless your communicating to a doctor about your condition. To the Mayans gold, silver, and gems are the excrement of the gods and goddesses themselves. Elaborate systems of excrement accumulation in the city of Tenochtitlan was used for compost for the unique water gardens called ‘chinampas’ and also for agriculture. Filth was seen as dirt, thus the Earth, and all that comes from the Earth eventually returns to Mother Earth. 


Tlazolteoltl is the healer of ‘sin’ and would eat sin (filth) making her mouth painted/stained black as one of her main identifying marks in the ancient codices predominately documented by Catholic priests and the Spaniards, but in her gruesome form with snake in hand, riding a broom, wearing cotton spindles in her headdress, we can remove our patriarchal lens of Tlazolteoltl and see her as the accumulator, space-holder, then transmuter, of trauma who offers herself up in sacrifice as the Earth does by taking in ‘filth’ and returning it back to it’s self, for our purification. “She also symbolized the transformation of waste into humus, that is, the revitalization of the soil.”(Sullivan 1982)


To the Mayans balance was a part of their daily life, the balance of sexual relations, diet, psychotropic plants, ritual, and even sacrifice to the gods/goddesses, cleanliness of the body was very much a part of the process, steam saunas were a traditional form of detoxification which was also affiliated with Tlazolteotl. Filth/Cleanliness are two sides of the same coin interplaying between positive perspective and negative perspective depending on each individual scenario in Mayan myth. 


Imbalance was seen as ‘sin’ not the guilt ridden, shameful, word indoctrinated in us through the forced European religious belief system which lead to the demise of the natives of North and South America but, imbalance meant separation from natural law which is defined by Nature. 


Tlazolteotl brings us back to balance as Tlazolteotl Ixcuina, as the ‘Cotton Goddess’ she is the cycles of time and the seasons, represented by four sisters; Tiyacapan (first born), Teicuih (younger sister), Tlahco (middle sister), and Xocotzin (youngest sister). These phases correspond with the four phases of the moon, or the half of the eight faces of the moon. 

Since Tlazoteotl is the ‘Mother of All Seasons’, and the parturient of birth and of death, that the process of reciprocation to the Earth is defined by our relationship with Tlazolteotl. The Mayans would call to her to be present during the final days of life and her invocation was in prerparation to be brought back from which we came, back to the Earth, slowly broken down to dust.


Tlazolteotl as the feminine energies, correlates with the sensual aspects of Taurus in Uranus as she over looked sexual  misconduct, excessive and compulsive sexuality, this resonates deeply with Venusian issues in Taurus as sexual relations with the self and other has lost its value in our culture. Sensual intimacy is cheap and sprawled over media as a marketing tool. Beauty is no longer sacred, its bought in a bottle smothered on the skin causing toxic side-effects. 

Woman are seen as sexual objects and that is our responsibility to change this perception. Our mothers, mothers, womb wounds have not been healed, our ancestors blood memory has affected the eggs which we carry in our ovaries and we will pass these wounds to our children and continue the disrespect of women. Invoking Tlazolteotl is asking her to transmute your sexual and sensual wounds to the Earth through the blood, and finding deep healing with the sacred act through an equal partner.


Tlazoteotl, Astrology, and the Tzolk’in




 Tlazoteotl as a lunar and earth deitiy shows the deep relationship between the ancient astrological relationship between the Moon/Venus/Earth.  As the only female archetypes in Astrology,  following the Tzolk’in is key to the sacred correspondence of these two sisters and their relationship to our Mother Earth. The Mayans and before them used their calendar to decipher the eclipses and Venus’s relationship to the Earth. The sacred calendar is 260 days which is roughly the gestation cycle for humans, 260 days corresponds to Venus as an evening star then 260 days makes Venus the morning star on average. 18 months is the length of the Haab calendar or solar calendar and the Venus cycle is 18 months. Tlazoleotl ruled over the lunar cycle as a birthing deity and kept track of time as the 13th, 14th, Trecana. In Ptolemaic astrology the Moon is exalted in Taurus or Venus, symbolizing the matriarchal line of woman in the role of the creation. 





As I ponder the many archetypes of Uranus and Taurus I truly feel that Tlazoleotl will signify many aspects of our journey through our subconscious over the next 7 year transit. I will continue to utilize her sensual perspective as transmitted to me over time. I have made her a part of my daily thoughts and continue to find ways she communicates with me as a bridge between the material world and the in-between places or the unseen realms. 


For my continuation of “Healing The Sensual Relationship With The Earth” series of blog posts I want to observe and correlate the latest findings of the human micro-biome with the micro biome of the soil, the degraded health of our land for agriculture, biodynamic farming by Rudolph Steiner and the use of electricity in treating and re-mineralizing our Mother Earth, the use of the elements, gems, stones, and crystals, as an ancient healing modality during the Transit of Uranus through the zodiac sign of Taurus.



Align yourself with the cosmos…






Wolf Green, Jeffrey (1986) Uranus Freedom From The Known, 8-9.

Rudhyar, Dane (2008) New Mansions For New Men, 

Sullivan, T. “Tlazoleotl-Ixcuina: The Art and Iconography of the late post- Classic Mexico, Ed. Elizabeth Boone. Dumbarton Oaks, Washington DC. pp. 7-37


Dreams Stones and Healing During Leo/Aquarius Eclipses

Kristy Henry


When we ponder the age of humanity as to the age of plants, and to the age of stones, gems, and minerals, we are but a blink of an eye. Sergio Magana gave me the most eloquent suggestion on how to perceive the mineral world from his book about the Toltec dreaming technics, to master your dreams there are nine levels and the sixth pertains to the Tecpatl, also a female entity, or flint, which is the representation of  stones.


…On this level the dream of the rocks is in control. This place is nourished by the energy of all lower levels and therefore it is said that we were created from clay and were the dream of the mineral realm-an older and deeper consciousness than ours. It is also said that we were the Earth’s dream, and after dreaming us, she created us.


Many people believe that the minerals and the Earth belong to us, and they do whatever they want with them. But this is just an illusion…


-Sergio Magana, The Toltec Secret


My personal journey has had this theme as of late, the dreaming, and healing of my child within with the assistance of the Earth, and her children the stones. This journey began, and is obvious to me with the beginning of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of Leo/Aquarius.  I also believe this archetypal healing, using the Earth and her stones, will continue as Uranus moves into Taurus and will gain greater understanding over the next several years. 


As the Leo/Aquarius nodal access has been in transit since May of 2017 we have seen and felt many waves of personal and social shake ups, these shake ups, are to bring the dirt at the bottom of the pond up to the surface of the clear waters to be dealt with and healed. Archetypally speaking, we are feeling the small child within and how that has manifested in this life and others.  For me personally, I chose to face my deep seated fears around my intuitive and healing gifts, and how I am to harness them and share them with others. How does this fit into my life and society, and how can I better support others in this great time of awakening their gifts as well? All, so very Leonian and Aquarian ideas. 


As a private person who is trying to find trust in others, and open my heart, (Leo/Aquarius archetypes) I have found this process very draining on my body and have had emotional pain manifesting in my shoulder to the point of not sleeping. As an avid advocate in walking my talk and making products to support our Circadian Rhythm, I have found myself like so many others in this over-stimulated and stressed out world not sleeping. My own health and self-care habits have just not been enough and I have had to call in greater assistance from plant allies, stones, gems, and my journeying. My dreams have been escaping me and I feel a great sense of loss at not experiencing such deep healing in my dream states as I usually experience due to this uprooted emotional pain. 


I have realized that physical pain is probably one of the largest distractions from spirit if experienced for an extended period of time, and can close the body off to the intuitive messages that the spirit realm is trying to give us. Healing our body on the material realm has always been a major focus of mine but as I get older I can’t deny that this has taken over our society as much as consumerism on distracting us from our ancestral roots, our relationship with plants, and the Earth. 


How can I love the child within during these Leo/Aquarius eclipses? This has asked me to find new ways of healing using the Earth on deeper levels, and this has got me outside in the desert terrain more than ever. Since I asked for more assistance in my dreams, I have been finding great pleasure and relief in my desert landscape and  my wounds of the heart are slowly healing. I was answered with a call from the trees, and cactus, that had fallen and have slowly been weathered by the Sun, water, and dirt. Decaying, but knowing that even in this phase of death they can offer themselves as a healing aid to myself and to others. 


Their gentle gift of acceptance and change, offering themselves to me, I have collected them from the mountains, cleansed them with gratitude and now have asked the stones to unite in their bodies as a healing talisman for those who are asking for their healing gift. 


These gracious beings will be offered soon on as pieces of art for healing through Animist/Ancestor traditions to sit in your home, on your mantle, with your plants, in the corners of rooms, to send out their love to you and your loved ones. Their gifts are of a subtle opening, and an acceptance of one’s true self, to allow the pleasures and security that the Earth offers us to be utilized in the body for letting go of trauma buried in our tissues.


As I slowly harvest and create, I feel my dreams returning, my heart opening, and my trust growing, because I know that all beings on this Earth are supporting me, and you, on this great journey of remembering, and metamorphosis. 


As I align myself with nature, I align my soul’s desires with the cosmos…


Kristy Henry



Piper methysticum came to me in her concentrated form and at once with swift and purposeful action she triggered an opening to more profound levels of intuition which in turn has sent me in a new direction of progress in even deeper levels of self knowledge and healing, with rejuvenated focus.  

Once Kava was used to heighten the intuitive sense of other realms in menarchal festivities. As we follow the lunar cycle and align our menses to the waxing and waning of the Moon, our senses are heightened and the use of Kava was a staple in women rituals acted out in circles with clapping and chanting as protection against the spirits that dwelled in this new unforeseen realm. Woman would chew the root of Kava there-by stimulating the starch, activating the fermentation process with their saliva.

This sacred elixir accentuated the natural flow of vision and intuition to the feminine/lunar realms as does menstruation. The hormonal flux affects the endocrine system opening woman to intensified trance states or altered states of consciousness. Kava’s ability as a GABA allosteric modulator is why I believe it’s a key contributor to its capacity along with her (Kava’s)  spirit to assist woman in their communal rituals of sacred unification into the unknown as they received the blessing of their Mother Earth with her generous nature of creation through the womb.  These ancient rituals were then changed into communal welcoming from one pacific islanders tribe to another and eventually women became excluded from these rituals to conjoin communities all together, with the exception of a virgin chewing the root to catalyze the fermentation for the welcoming rituals. 


Kava’s spirit prompted me to take a different street on a morning walk to get coffee and on that walk I found a sacred Ceiba tree or the tree also known as Wakah Chan the animus mundi tree to the Mayans, growing taller then a two story house covered in its sacred flowers here in the middle of Phoenix, Arizona. I just stared in awe as the neighbor came out and said that people come from all over to see the tree but he didn’t know why. I immediately searched for it on my phone and to my surprise the Ceiba tree was so revered by the people’s of ancient Mexico as the symbol between the cosmos and the Earth. This only confirmed my new interest in the Mayan/Toltec art of lucid dreaming that I had been investigating and growing very intrigued by. 


I truly believe that Kava’s spirit desires to support anyone willing to listen to her ancient knowledge and her assistance in opening us to the Lunar realms as a dream herb is one of her many gifts to humanity. 

As woman have lost their sacred ways and now are seeking the hidden knowledge, we know that delving into our own ancestral mitochondrial DNA is where the true answers lie. With great gratitude and appreciation I feel that Kava is a sister to all woman seeking guidance on this journey and with her help we will slowly unfold our true history and gifts. Aligning yourself with your own truth as a woman through the dreaming realms will bring forth great healing for all. We are in need of these capacities and Kava can help assist you in your personal journey. May I spark an inquiry or interest in her great medicine.


